SPARK ARRESTOR: When properly used this device reduces the amount of sparks coming out of the stove pipe. Check spark arrestor daily to insure there is no buildup of creosote blocking the smoke from going through the spark arrestor.
LEGS. Generally most stove legs are 12 " long. I like longer legs to make the stove stand taller for ease of putting in wood or cooking on a higher stove top. The Wilderness and Yukon stoves have 18" legs. Higher legs also makes the top stove pipe 6' higher which helps prevent sparks from landing on tent roof.
DOOR. Doors that are airtight make the stove more efficient and easier to control the rate of burn better. Only stoves that have a gasket on the door is truly airtight.
AIR INTAKE ADJUSTER. On the door there is an air intake adjustment. This air intake adjustment controls the amount of air that enters the stove and controls the rate of burn in a stove. In other words, the more air that enters your stove, the hotter your stove will burn.
STOVE PIPE: Nesting stove pipe design allows all sections of pipe to nest inside each other for ease of packing. Each pipe section is tapered. Straight pipe is the same diameter for each pipe section. Straight pipe is required for tents that have stove pipe openings in side walls because elbows are required
RAIN CAP. Fits on top of the highest section of stove pipe. Prevents rain and snow from going inside of stove.
WATER TANK: The stainless water tank is designed to hang on either side of stove.
SIDE TRAY: The side tray may be mounted on either side or both sides of the stove. Most trays mount by inserting pins into holes on top edge of stove.